Better Student Health Management Using The ‘5 Whys’ Technique

5 min read | Published February 29, 2024

Better Student Health Management Using The ‘5 Whys’ Technique

5 min read | Published February 29, 2024

By DocNetwork

By DocNetwork

By DocNetwork


In school nursing, addressing complex, time-intensive health issues requires innovative approaches and strategies.

The “5 Whys” technique, adapted from the Toyota Production System, provides a systematic approach to help you uncover the root causes of health challenges experienced by you and your students.

Real-World Application: Improving Medication Administration in Schools

  • Origins: Initially for manufacturing, the 5 Whys is highly effective in healthcare, particularly in school settings.
  • Process: This method involves asking “Why?” successively to peel back the layers of a problem, revealing its core.
  • Application: From managing common illnesses to addressing broader health trends, this technique is versatile and insightful.

Challenges and Tips

  • Complex Health Issues: In the multifaceted world of school health, the issue may require a deeper or broader analysis.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaboration with administrators, parents, and students enriches the problem-solving process.

Adapting the 5 Whys for School Nursing

Initial Problem: Inconsistencies and errors in medication administration to students.

  • 1st Why: Why are there inconsistencies in medication administration?Possible answer: Inadequate tracking and documentation of medication schedules and doses.
  • 2nd Why: Why is documentation ineffective? Possible answer: Reliance on manual, paper-based systems that are prone to errors and inefficiencies.
  • 3rd Why: Why are manual systems still in use? Possible answer: Lack of awareness of or access to more efficient electronic health record systems.
  • 4th Why: Why haven’t electronic health record systems been implemented? Possible answer: Budget constraints or lack of prioritization from school administration.
  • 5th Why: Why haven’t these systems been prioritized? Possible answer: Underestimation of the impact that efficient medication management can have on student health and safety.

This analysis reveals that the root cause of medication administration issues may stem from reliance on outdated systems and a lack of prioritization for technological upgrades. Implementing a comprehensive electronic health record system could streamline medication tracking, reduce errors, and ensure safer administration practices.


The 5 Whys technique is not just about solving immediate problems but also about fostering a proactive, comprehensive approach to student health care in school nursing. SchoolDoc is an Electronic Health Record system used by schools across the country to help foster a proactive environment by enabling school nurses to track student health forms, allergies, immunization records, medications, illnesses, and more.




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